What are 112 meditation techniques of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra (Vijñana Bhairava Tantra)?

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, an ancient Indian scripture, unveils 112 transformative meditation techniques guiding seekers toward spiritual awakening and self-realization. Rooted in Tantra, this sacred text offers diverse practices, from breath awareness to sensory exploration, fostering emotional balance, expanded consciousness, and profound inner transformation. It stands as a timeless guide, illuminating the path to enlightenment and the union of individual soul with universal consciousness.


10/1/20238 min read

In the realm of ancient spiritual wisdom, the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra stands as a beacon of profound knowledge and enlightenment. Rooted in the depths of Tantra, this sacred text provides a gateway to understanding the essence of existence and the path to self-realization. Through its 112 meditations, it offers seekers, regardless of gender, a transformative journey toward spiritual awakening, paving the way for a harmonious union between the individual soul and the universal consciousness.

The meditations within the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra do not discriminate based on gender; they are open to all, embracing the essence of equality and inclusivity. When women engage in these profound meditative practices, they tap into a wellspring of inner strength and wisdom, discovering their innate connection to the divine. These meditations empower women, enabling them to cultivate a deep sense of self-awareness and inner peace.

By immersing themselves in the teachings of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, women can harness the transformative power of meditation to navigate the complexities of life with grace and resilience. Through these ancient practices, women can nurture their spiritual growth, enhance their emotional well-being, and foster a profound sense of compassion and empathy.

Furthermore, the harmonious union between women and the wisdom of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra transcends the boundaries of time and space. It fosters a sense of interconnectedness, not only with other individuals but also with the entire universe. This interconnectedness awakens a profound sense of reverence for all life forms and deepens the understanding of the oneness that permeates the cosmos.

In embracing the meditative practices of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, women embark on a transformative journey that enables them to embrace their true nature, transcending societal limitations and cultural expectations. Through meditation, women can reclaim their innate power, fostering a sense of balance and harmony within themselves and the world around them. As they delve into the depths of their consciousness, women discover the vast reservoirs of strength, resilience, and wisdom that reside within them, empowering them to lead lives of purpose, fulfillment, and spiritual enlightenment.


Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, often referred to as the "Yoga of Consciousness," is a revered ancient Indian text that dates back to the Rudra Yamala Tantra, a scripture belonging to the Tantric tradition. It is a dialogue between Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, where Shiva imparts profound spiritual wisdom to his consort. The text explores various meditation techniques and practices, guiding practitioners toward the realization of their true nature and the ultimate truth.


  • 1. Spiritual Awakening: Vigyan Bhairav Tantra serves as a roadmap for spiritual seekers, offering methods to transcend the limitations of the mind and connect with the divine consciousness. By practicing the techniques outlined in this text, individuals can experience spiritual awakening and a deep sense of inner peace.

  • 2. Expansion of Consciousness: Through meditation practices, practitioners can expand their consciousness, transcending ordinary awareness and tapping into higher states of existence. This expansion of consciousness leads to a heightened sense of clarity, intuition, and perception.

  • 3. Inner Transformation: The meditations in Vigyan Bhairav Tantra facilitate profound inner transformation. By delving into the depths of one's being, practitioners can release negative patterns, fears, and limitations, paving the way for personal growth and self-realization.

  • 4. Emotional Balance: Regular practice of the meditations outlined in this text helps individuals attain emotional balance and stability. By cultivating mindfulness and awareness, practitioners can navigate the complexities of their emotions with equanimity and grace.


The Vigyan Bhairav Tantra comprises 112 meditation techniques, each offering a unique approach to self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment. While it's not possible to delve deeply into each meditation within the confines of this article, here is a brief overview of some of the techniques:

  • 1-20: Awareness of the Breath:

These meditations focus on observing the natural rhythm of the breath, using it as a gateway to still the mind and enter a state of deep meditation.


  1. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Embracing the Rhythm of Inhalation and Exhalation

  2. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Savoring the Silence in the Breaths

  3. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging the In-Breath with the Out-Breath

  4. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Resting in the Pause After Each Breath

  5. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Cultivating Compassion in the Heart's Breath

  6. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Channeling Serenity in Throat Breathing

  7. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Ascending to Spiritual Heights with Crown Breaths

  8. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Nurturing Presence in Abdominal Breathing

  9. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Feeling the Breath’s Caress at the Nostrils

  10. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Tracing the Breath's Path through the Nose

  11. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Sensing Breath’s Temperature - Cool or Warm

  12. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Walking in Tune with the Breath

  13. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Standing Grounded in Breath's Grace

  14. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Sitting in Stillness, Breathing in Pose

  15. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Delving into the Deep, Relaxed Breath

  16. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Infusing Breath into Daily Actions

  17. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Expanding Breath to Every Fiber of Being

  18. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Breath Merging with the Cosmic Dance

  19. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving Self in the Universal Breath

  20. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for A Blissful Union of Breath and Beyond

  • 21-40: Contemplative Meditations:

This set explores contemplative practices, encouraging individuals to reflect on various aspects of existence, such as the nature of reality, the elements, and the states of consciousness.


  1. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Reflecting on the Essence of Reality

  2. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Contemplating the Elements Within

  3. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Exploring the States of Consciousness

  4. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Observing the Play of Opposites

  5. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Delving into the Nature of Sound

  6. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Immersing in the Texture of Touch

  7. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Savoring the Taste of Existence

  8. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Inhaling the Fragrance of Presence

  9. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Witnessing the Flow of Thoughts

  10. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving in the Silence of the Mind

  11. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Pondering Upon the Source of Being

  12. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Absorbing in the Beauty of Nature

  13. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Exploring the Boundaries of the Self

  14. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Cultivating Gratitude and Joy

  15. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Connecting with the Pulse of Life

  16. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Expanding Empathy and Compassion

  17. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Reflecting on Impermanence

  18. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Contemplating the Interconnectedness of All

  19. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Embracing the Mystery of Existence

  20. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dwelling in the Stillness of Being

  • 41-60: Energy and Chakra Meditations:

These meditations involve channeling and becoming aware of the subtle energy within the body, activating chakras to experience heightened states of consciousness.


  1. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Absorbing in the Sound of Silence

  2. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Expanding Awareness to Thoughtless States

  3. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving Mental Patterns

  4. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Contemplating the Nature of Time

  5. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Observing the Play of Light and Darkness

  6. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Witnessing Inner Vibrations

  7. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Experiencing the Taste of Oneness

  8. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving Boundaries Between Inner and Outer

  9. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Transcending the Limits of Body Awareness

  10. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging Inner and Outer Awareness

  11. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving into the Cosmic Void

  12. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Pervading Space with Consciousness

  13. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Expanding Awareness Beyond the Body

  14. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Solidity

  15. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Sensing the Vibration of Universal Energy

  16. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Witnessing the Play of Energy Within

  17. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Notion of Time

  18. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Absorbing into the Eternal Present

  19. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Experiencing the Flow of Eternal Time

  20. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Observing the Eternal Now

  • 61-80: Sensory Awareness Meditations:

These techniques involve focusing on sensory experiences, such as sound, touch, taste, and smell, to transcend the limitations of the physical body and enter a state of expanded awareness.


  1. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging Breath with the Cosmic Breath

  2. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving into Universal Consciousness

  3. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Pervading the Universe with Awareness

  4. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Infinite Consciousness

  5. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving into Pure Consciousness

  6. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Formless Reality

  7. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Individuality

  8. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging into the Universal Self

  9. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Experiencing the Oneness of All Beings

  10. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving into Universal Love

  11. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging into Infinite Compassion

  12. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Experiencing the Unity of All Hearts

  13. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving Boundaries Between Self and Others

  14. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Hearts of All Beings

  15. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Experiencing the Unity of All Minds

  16. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving Boundaries Between Self and Universe

  17. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Cosmic Mind

  18. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Experiencing the Unity of All Knowledge

  19. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving Boundaries Between Self and Divine

  20. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Divine Consciousness

  • 81-112: Advanced Meditative Practices:

The final set includes advanced practices that involve techniques like merging the mind with the infinite, contemplating the void, and experiencing the oneness of all things.


  1. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Notion of Good and Evil

  2. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Beyond of All Dualities

  3. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Pleasure and Pain

  4. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Bliss Beyond Sensations

  5. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Notion of Birth and Death

  6. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Eternal Beyond Birth and Death

  7. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Sound and Silence

  8. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Beyond of Sound and Silence

  9. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Form and Formlessness

  10. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Beyond of Form and Formlessness

  11. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Being and Non-Being

  12. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Beyond of Being and Non-Being

  13. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Notion of Individual Soul

  14. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Universal Soul

  15. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Individual Mind

  16. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Universal Mind

  17. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Individual Intellect

  18. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Universal Intellect

  19. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Individual Ego

  20. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Universal Ego

  21. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Individual Self

  22. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Universal Self

  23. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Individual Consciousness

  24. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Universal Consciousness

  25. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Individual Awareness

  26. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Universal Awareness

  27. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Individual Life

  28. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Universal Life

  29. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Individual Existence

  30. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Universal Existence

  31. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Dissolving the Perception of Individual Reality

  32. 🎧 15 min. Guided Audio Meditation for Merging with the Ultimate Reality

The Vigyan Bhairav Tantra stands as a testament to the profound wisdom of ancient yogic traditions. Through its 112 meditations, it offers a diverse array of techniques catering to individuals with varying temperaments and inclinations. As seekers embark on the journey outlined in this sacred text, they unlock the doorways to spiritual enlightenment, inner peace, and a harmonious union with the universe. In the embrace of these teachings, the eternal quest for self-realization finds its guiding light, illuminating the path toward ultimate truth and divine consciousness.